ITS Telecom extremely robust doorphone with worldwide first touch surface sensor keys as analogue and IP video version - Voice over IP Distribution Company
09.09.2015 Comments 0 General
 ITS Telecom door phone / intercom system in aluminium housing and sensor buttons

The Pancode VoIP and Pantel VoIP are smart wall-mounted access control door phones connected to a local Voice Over IP (VoIP) network of a VoIP PBX, allowing door entry control. They are available for outdoor/indoor installation in an aluminum unit with a piezo keypad or single call button with worldwide first touch surface button at Aluminum housing. As an option, these units can be equipped with an internal black & white or color high-quality pinhole camera.

Easy Installation
The Pancode VoIP/Pantel VoIP unit is connected to the VoIP PBX as a SIP extension or via any IP router (Network HUB, Switch etc). The unit powers the door lock, provided it is powered by an external supply and not PoE. – Main ITS Telecom Distributor
See more at ITS Telecom Pancode VoIP or Pantel VoIP order Link: click here

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